
Email Tips For November

Authored by BlueAngel on
Wednesday, November 30, 2005

These are the last few WD_40 E-mail tips that I have received and thought they migtht be of interest to you.

WD-40 e-Tip of the Week for November 27

Fall is just about at its midpoint, and that means that leaves are everywhere and there's plenty of yardwork to be done. WD-40 can help make outdoor chores a breeze. Use it to:

Coat shovels to make dirt slide off easier
Prevent rust from forming on rakes, hoes and other garden accessories
Drive moisture from tools and accessories left out in the rain (Be sure to unplug any electrical tools before spraying WD-40)
Keep grass from sticking to lawnmower blades
Prevent rust and corrosion from forming on wheelbarrow beds and other tools
Lubricate and prevent rust on sprinkler heads
Dissolve sap and stubborn garden messes from pruning shears

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WD-40 Company, 1061 Cudahy Place, San Diego, CA 92110-3929 -WD-40

e-Tip of the Week for November 20

It's almost time for Thanksgiving! Preparing the feast, and making sure all the day's guests have a great time is no walk in the park. This Thanksgiving, try WD-40 as your little helper. When preparing for the big day, use WD-40 to:

Remove stubborn messes and leftovers from grills and oven traps. (Appliance must be turned off and washed with soap and water after WD-40 use)
Lubricate moving parts of rotisserie grills and oven doors (Make sure the grill is not on when spraying WD-40. Allow 10 minutes of fresh air ventilation before lighting grill)
Lubricate lazy susans so guests can easily peruse the fixings
Lubricate and stop squeaks on wheels of rolling chairs
Keep sliding doors squeak-free and gliding with ease
Lubricate and stop squeaks on folding arms of card tables and table leaves

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WD-40 Company, 1061 Cudahy Place, San Diego, CA 92110-3929

WD-40 e-Tip of the Week for November 13

Rust can be more than an eyesore--it can prevent tools and equipment from staying in working order. WD-40 is an excellent way to remove rust and prevent it from forming in the first place.

Try WD-40 to:

Remove rust deposits from metal table legs
Prevent rust from forming on outdoor air conditioners
Keep pruning shears rust-free
Remove rust particles from stainless steel countertops, appliances and tools
Remove rust particles from saw blades
Protect barrels and metal containers against rust and corrosion
Winterize lawnmowers to prevent freezing and rust while in storage

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WD-40 Company, 1061 Cudahy Place, San Diego, CA 92110-3929

WD-40 e-Tip of the Week for November 06

Keeping a clean and well-maintained work environment can increase productivity and make a working day less stressful. WD-40 has multiple uses around the office. Try the 52-year-old blue and yellow wonder to:

Lubricate wheel bearings on chairs, rolling file cabinets and mail carts
Remove unwanted adhesive from desks and other surfaces
Shine stainless steel accessories and countertops
Stop squeaks on door hinges and window cranks
Drive dirt and grime from sliding tracks on retractable keyboards
Clean gunk and other messes from keyboards
Remove old, permanent marks from dry erase boards

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WD-40 Company, 1061 Cudahy Place, San Diego, CA 92110-3929

WD-40 e-Tip of the Week for October 30

The living room is central to many homes. As a result, the furniture often suffers from serious wear and tear. To keep your living room looking great, use WD-40 to:

Remove melted tape, wax and cup marks from the coffee table
Penetrate and loosen sticky knobs and levers on adjustable chairs
Remove crayon from walls, carpets and floors
Stop squeaks on wheels of rolling tables and furniture
Remove rust from metal table legs
Clean grime from TV remote control
Shine brass and metal decorations and candle holders

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WD-40 Company, 1061 Cudahy Place, San Diego, CA 92110-3929

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