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Authored by BlueAngel on
Saturday, April 10, 2004

"Ocular Health and Pulmonary Assist Machines"
by Richard E. Hector, MD, FACS, Bradenton, Florida

This article is reprinted from Polio Network News, now--Post-Polio Health, Winter 2003, Vol.19, No. 1, with permission of Post-Polio Health International. Any further reproduction must have the permissions of the copywrite holder. Post-Polio Health International;4207 Lindell Blvd. #110: Saint Louis, Missouri 83108-2915, USA; E-mail

Maintaining good ocular health and comfort is a challenge even under "ordinary" conditions. It is especially difficult when you use a pumonary assist machine, such as C-PAP, BiPAP, etc with a face mask, because such use can affect the stability of your tear iflm. A stable protective three layer tear film is particulary responsible for good vision and comfortable, healthy eyes.

We are most familiar with reflex tears, those watery tears you experience while watching a sad movie or cutting onions. If these reflex tears are present for no particular reason, the culprit is usually a dry eye condition. This exists when the other, more protective and less familiar "tear" is absent, either due to producation or increased evaporation.

Numerous small glands in your eyelids produce the protective three layer film that is necessary for the health of the external surface of your eyes. If the tear film is absent, the external surface breaks down , which can be very painful and increase the risk of severe infection, scarring and loss of vision.

Using a pulmonary assist machine with a face mask can increase the rate of evaporation os your natural tear film, and will, at first, stimulate your rweflex tears, causing your eyes to tear inappropriately. If other conditions are present that reduce the production of the very valuable tear layer, an advanced dry eye condition can develop to the point that your eyes will not tear or water at all. The use of hormone replacement therapy that includes estrogen, allergy medications such as antihistamines and diuretics, and Rheumatoid arthritis and Parkinson's Disease are all associated with advanced dry eye condition.

The treatment is similar in most cases. Over-the-counter artificial tear solutions of various compositions and thickness need to be used. The frequency of applying these solution depends on the severity of the dry eye condtition. Avoid those that "take the red out" and look for a bland lubricating product such has Refresh Tears/Gel or Thera Tears/Gel; Bion Tears or Tears Naturel Forte Hypotears or Tears Naturel Free; Genteel Tears/Gel; Refresh Endura. If artificial tears are needed more than five times a day, preservative free solutions should be used.

In very severe conditions of dry eye, the tear drainage system can be modified; either temporarily or permanently, by using small plugs that fit inside eyelids and/or the eyelids themselves can be sutured partially closed to further protect the surface of the eye from exposure and drying.

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